
色彩繽紛 Cambridge Satchel 的中性劍橋書包大盛行

Bags of 2012 : The Cambridge Satchel

這一兩年復古風當道, 所以學院風書包型的包款到處都可以看的到, 更在今年九月紐約時尚周, Neon 的劍橋包更是到處可見, fashionista 都用它來詮釋秋冬跟明年的霓虹流行趨勢, Cambridge Satchel 劍橋包。這個包包的特色是, 整個包包是用全皮製造, 重點是他是在英國當地純手工製造, 光是聽到這個就讓人覺得很尊貴的感覺! 哈哈! 不過其實他價錢並不是太高, 所以我想這也是很多人選擇它來入手的原因, 包包本身有很重的皮味, 讓那種喜歡沈沈的皮味香的人, 會非常難以抗拒這個挺經典的包包

These vintage-look, leather satchels are made by The Cambridge Satchel

 using traditional methods and have become a style icon. Featured in

Elle, Vogue, The Sunday Times, The Guardian and The Independent they are a

classic retro style essential.

參加時尚週的設計師也背上Cambridge Satchel 劍橋包

Cambridge satchels come in yellow, red, green, purple, pink and vintage brown

whilst theFLUORESCENT range is available in orange, green, yellow or pink!

If you’re a student, busy executive or mom concerning the go, the traditional

satchel is definitely an amazing option for anybody who necessities a stylish,

handy bag.

經典系列沉穩低調的表現 讓人愛不釋手!

The classic colors have a vintage look. You can also change yourself into a vintage fashionista very easily with these bags.

螢光系列是復古回歸的象徵! 螢光橘、螢光綠 搭淺色或深色都好看!

Neon colors are usually combined with classic clothing.


If you want to buy a fashion bag to beautify yourself and follow the latest fashion trend, Here I believe the Cambridge Satchels is a good choice for you.

心動了嗎??不用著急!! 十九號二手屋讓您馬上擁有屬於自己的
Cambridge Satchel 劍橋包!


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